Team - Cornaholics
Cornhole Recreational (January 2024) Standings
  PTF  PTA  W  L Calendar Sync
Dirty Bags 31193141
Reynolds Bags 299141132
C-Bags 282107132
Two Bags One Hole 281112131
Cornaholics 294216123
B.T. Boarders 306168123
Bags Deep 287168123
All In 276165114
Cat In The Bag 272153114
We So Corny 274182105
Just Chucking 20719896
Corny Bros Inc. 25317096
Dirty Old Bags 23523496
Sack Up 25418596
Beers and Bags 22215496
Only Snipes 21319587
Throwing Bags 19123987
Boss of the Toss 22418787
WD-40 22423178
Cobinators 20220878
CornHub 22022178
Bag Assassins 20420677
Jofas 18415776
Beauty and the Beast 22523069
Smokey and the bandit 23425169
Got Wood 23623169
Butter Gup 164243510
Jae E Trees 227278510
Dudas of the Corn 17423859
Gonzo Square 100253411
Inconsistent AF 158254411
T Baggers 143283312
Sack Superstars 141276312
Wrong hole 132245311
CornNuts 107247310
Kobza 111273213
Sack Smackers 61294114
Hiphopanonymous 73315015
Cornaholics's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
vie-ene 12   Cornaholics 21 - 7 CornHub Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 12   Cornaholics 21 - 11 Cobinators Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 12   Cornaholics 21 - 6 Cat In The Bag Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 19   Bags Deep 17 - 21 Cornaholics Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 19   Cornaholics 20 - 21 Two Bags One Hole Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 19   Cornaholics 21 - 16 Kobza Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 26   Cornaholics 8 - 21 We So Corny Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 26   All In 9 - 21 Cornaholics Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-ene 26   Dirty Bags 21 - 14 Cornaholics Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 2   Cornaholics 21 - 17 Sack Superstars Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 2   B.T. Boarders 18 - 21 Cornaholics Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 2   Cornaholics 21 - 0 Throwing Bags Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 9   Cornaholics 21 - 16 Inconsistent AF Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 9   Cornaholics 21 - 18 Smokey and the bandit Complete Turf 2 Regular 
vie-feb 9   Cornaholics 21 - 18 Sack Up Complete Turf 2 Regular